IntelliView™ IV Display

Intelligent operation for intelligent machines


IntelliView™ IV Display


New Holland offers a wide range of displays which provide you with 360° PLM information and management. All parameters can be monitored at a glance, including guidance and the most advanced yield and moisture mapping functions. Choose between the FM-750 and the wide screen FM-1000 monitor and XCN-2050 monitors. The fully integrated IntelliView™ displays are colour touchscreen monitors that offer fingertip control of all machine functions, opt for 17.8cm IntelliView™ III, or upgrade to the super-wide screen 26.4cm inch IntelliView™ IV monitor.



The IntelliView™ III colour touchscreen monitor is your partner in all farming operations and is available on the T6 Auto Command, T7, T8 and T9 tractor ranges, on the CX5000, CX6000 and CX Elevation combine series and on the BigBaler range. The CX Elevation and CR combines and FR forage harvester ranges are fitted with the new widescreen IntellIView™ IV colour touchscreen monitor as standard, it is an upgrade option on the BigBaler range, and can be used as a second screen for precision farming applications on T7, T8 and T9 tractor ranges. Both the IntelliView™ III and IntelliView™ IV displays communicate directly with the IntelliSteer® system together with the machine’s CAN Bus, and display key operating parameters



Autopilot™, Autosense™, CenterPoint™, EZ-Guide®, EZ-Steer™, EZ-Remote™, EZ-Pilot™ , Field-IQ™, OnPath®, TrueTracker™, TrueGuide™,T2™ and T3™ are trademarks of Trimble® Navigation Limited registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and other countries.


New Holland Agriculture a brand of CNH Industrial N.V. ©