Construction Range
erman Jønsson is the owner of Revslund
Entreprenør & Maskinstation, a provider of
manpower and machinery to construction,
agriculture, forestry and nature in Roost, Southern
Denmark. Having had almost a dozen wheel
loaders, he recently bought his first two New
Holland wheel loaders.
Why did he finally choose New Holland? “They
are made for contractors and farm work”, he
says. One of the reasons for choosing New
Holland is the cooling system. You just press a
button to keep the radiators clean and free from
debris. Another plus is the good all round vision.
Then there are the ground clearance, the long
arms, a perfectly balanced weight distribution to
work with forage. It’s simply a good all-rounder.
And it’s fast and efficient compared to its size”.
Two New Holland W170C Wheel Loaders:
fast and efficient!
Herman Jønsson
(on the right) with
Peter Nissen,
PN Maskiner
A year on the field
Test drives, demonstrations, technical sessions were held throughout Europe
nce again, NewHolland demonstrated its closeness
to customers with a year of events focused on
construction equipment for farmers. Throughout
Europe, events were held to demonstrate the full range of
machinery: Mini Excavators, Skid Steer Loaders, Compact
Wheel Loaders, Wheel Loaders and Backhoe Loaders, all
fitted with attachments, and tested and displayed at many
local and international events.
February 2015 - France
The year started off at Sima 2015
in Paris, one of the top events in
France with over 240,000 visitors.
The range was on display for
the first time on the New Holland
March 2015 - Germany
In March the first of many Open Days
kicked off in Germany. The Open Days were held in field, with many different machines
on display in real life conditions, they ran from March to July.
April 2015 - United Kingdom
On April at Stoneleigh Park, New Holland
starred at the Farm Handling Experience
Event, a hands-on event hosted
by Farmers Weekly Magazine.
June 2015 -
Training in the field
was held in Benelux,
where the New Holland loading equipment was tested
and demonstrated in real life conditions.
September 2015 - Italy
In Italy various training events were
held with clients, including the Top
Gun Training with the FR.
February 2016 - Spain
FIMA is one of Spain’s foremost
exhibitions with over 200,000 visiting
its Zaragoza location. Here, New
Holland set up an outside testing area,
where over 250 clients had
the opportunity to try out the loading
equipment with real bales of hay.
The many positive comments
mentioned the ease of use, gentle
hydraulics and great cab comfort.
November 2015 -
The most important agricultural
fair in the world is Agritechnica,
held every two years in
Hanover. New Holland exhibited
its range of construction
equipment on its stand.
Agritechnica had over 450,000
visitors from 115 countries.
May 2015 - Spain
At the famous hands-on in Burgos, Spain,
farmers are invited to try the equipment
in the field. New Holland staged
an Ability Test during the unveiling
of the new construction range.