.D. Power Asia Pacific awarded New Holland
Agriculture with the India Tractor Customer
Satisfaction award. This recognition is testament
to New Holland’s committed efforts to provide its
customerswith thebest after sales service.
New Holland ranked highest in the India Tractor
Customer Service Index with a score of 794, above
the industry average of 774. The study was based on
responses from 4,789 owners in Indiawho purchased a
new tractor between July2012andNovember 2013. The
studies were fielded between July and November 2014
in14 states across India.
The India Tractor Customer Service Index Study
measures customer satisfaction with the after-sales
process at authorised service centres among tractor
owners. Overall customer service satisfaction is based
on a combined score of the service satisfaction index
and parts operation index. The service satisfaction
index examines satisfaction in four key measures
(listed in order of importance): service quality; service
initiation; service engineer; and service handover. The
parts operation index examines satisfaction across five
attributes, including availability of parts, speedof parts
deliveryandparts value formoney, amongst others.
J.D. Power Asia Pacific annual awards are looked upon
as the benchmark in the Indian automotive industry
and this reputation has now transferred successfully to
the tractor segment. J.D. Power’s foray in this segment
examines the product performance and service
provided to tractor customers for the first time. Their
data and insights are used by companies to improve
quality, satisfaction and business performance, and by
consumers tomakemore informedpurchasedecisions.
New Holland is present in India with a manufacturing
complex inGreaterNoida thatalsocomprisesaResearch
&Development centre and a Training centre for dealers
and customers. It offers awide range of products, from
tractors (35 to 90 hp) to balers, providing complete
solutions for farming. It supports its customers
throughout the Indian Territorywith a network ofmore
than950 customer touchpoints.
NewHollandAgricultureRanksHighest in
CustomerServiceamongTractorBrands in India
Asia Pacific