The visit begins at
Pavilion Zero
, a space dedicated to
the history of nutrition. “Wewanted to tell a storywhich
begins from theearliest periodof humanhistory, through
symbols andmyths, the different stages of evolution and
man’s relationship with Nature – the domestication of
animals andplants, and the introductionof tools towork
the land and conserve food”, explains Davide Rampello
curator of the Pavilion.
presentspossible scenarios for
the application of new technologies at each step of the
foodchain.Basedon theconceptof the InternetofThings
– an interconnected world where information travels
from device to machine, from systems to smart objects
– the Future Food District shows how technologies have
transformed the food chain; including the revolutions
yet to come. It considers how man will become more
andmore aware of the difference between healthy and
unhealthy choices, sustainable andunsustainable foods.
But perhaps themost interesting featureof this Expo, and
certainly of great interest to farmers, is the introduction
. Clusters allow those countries unable to
have their ownpavilion to come together: not in terms of
geography, or national affiliation, but because they share
a common food group, or a common theme. Clusters
based on food groups at Expo 2015 include Rice, Cocoa
andChocolate, Coffee, Spices, Cereals and Tubers, Fruits
eeding thePlanet, Energy for Life.Wewill not forget
the theme of Expo Milano 2015, the Universal
Exhibition that opened on May 1st and will close
at the end of October. Expo themes are always highly
relevant to the times and to the millions of visitors to
the global event. In 1851, at the height of the industrial
revolution, London staged the "Great Exhibition of the
Works of Industry of All Nations". In 1933 in Chicago,
at a time when technology was changing the lives of
womenandmenaround theworld, itwas"ScienceFinds,
Industry Applies, Man Conforms". In New York in 1965,
after the trauma of the Second World War, the theme
was “Peace Through Understanding”. In Shanghai in
2010 itwas “Better City, Better Life”. Now, at last, as the
population of the planet reaches unprecedented levels,
foodandnutritionhavebecome the focusof international
145countriesaretakingpart inExpo2015.Representatives
from around theworldwill showcase their efforts to – in
the words of the organizers – “guarantee healthy, safe
and sufficient food for everyone, while respecting the
Planet and its equilibrium”.
and Legumes, and Spices. Clusters based on common
themes are Bio-Mediterranean, Islands, Sea and Food,
and Arid Zones. The concept of the cluster is that the
future lies in the strength of collaborative projects and
approaches. 36.650 squaremetresof exhibition spaceare
dedicated to the Clusters: where visitors will find videos,
interactive itineraries, information and education.
There are areas reserved for show-cooking, others for
product tasting, all under the overarching theme of
sustainability. Sustainable agriculture as the only key to
the long-term survival of thePlanet is the recurring theme
of all the exhibits: participating countries, clusters, and
global partnersof ExpoMilano2015all provide their own
contribution to a model for long-term, environmentally
viable agriculture.
This is a theme that is already close to the heart of New
HollandAgriculture,whichhas activelypursued theClean
Energy Leader strategy for sustainable agriculture since
2006. And it is not by accident that the New Holland
pavilion at Expo 2015 is called “The Sustainable Farm
Pavilion”, because for years now the brand has been
committed to providing solutions and machinery for a
more sustainable agricultural future.
EXPO2015: Feeding the Planet
EXPO2015: The Theme
Representatives from145countries
havegathered inMilan
forExpo2015: showcasing their
efforts toprovide sustainable food
tohumanity, and topreserve
October31st2015 theUniversal
Exhibition isexpected toattract
more than20millionvisitors for
avoyageofdiscoveryand insight.